Sunday, November 28, 2010

Snow Flakes

Look at all the wind blow and see the thick white feather-like cascade of falling snow. Does it remember the land it lands on, the one it knew so long ago when it was just a pool of water? Did it know it would be traveling to Utah in the future and gracing us with it's chilling presence? It, like us, goes through many seasons. It chills us in winter and cools us in summer. It may have been drunk by a seasonal plant or swam in just months ago. Enough of that now, the snow says, now I am falling on your door step until the world is a warmer place. I will only leave you if I am shown warmth. Then perhaps I will go. Don't think you got off easy, next year you will meet more of my family.
       Strange then that for us this passing season should be comprised of the very water that bound Noah away upon its bosom. Timeless and still subject to the chill in the air. A weather-bound reminder that the sun rules all in his glorious dominion. Orbiters of his majesty, the snow-flakes melt at the very gaze. Still then does man speak with the God who can stop it's passage across our sky and juggle the planets like a performer without dropping a single spinning orb. But, here we are. The snow falls on us in mock-victory and renewal before we fall upon it on our way to work, school, and life.

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