Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Mortality rates

What rate would you put on mortality? Or you, or you? Banana's live for a few days and fruit flies for a few hours, but despite how fast life goes they find ways to continue on. Maybe that banana's great great grandson will be eaten by president Obama! There's no stopping ambitious fruit.
         Fruit flies, on the other hand, are like some sort of outer-world alien. One banana could breed hundreds, and they would all die in a day... unless they were eaten by the president. Then we just hope they have lots of protein content.
         Our car recently started wobbling in the steering wheel. It has had a long and fulfilling mortality, but unlike many other productive specimens (some of which I have mentioned) it refuses to continue the family line and leaves the entirety of its mortal longevity up to us. Jerk.
        Though, perhaps I am being to hard on it. After all, people can continue the family line, but they must retain their individual characteristics. Perhaps cars have some level of idiosyncrasies that cannot be replicated. I know our vehicle has a lot of character.
         The entire subject matter of this is very rudimentary, of course. All things were created spiritually first and return to that state on death, but what happens after? Personal resurrection is grand, but are there going to be numberless concourses of fruit flies singing praises to the almighty? I don't want to be the first one unable to enter the Celestial kingdom because of a fly-swatter. But, I have faith. I'm sure the time will come for understanding, and I'm sure all will be fine in the end. After all, this is the gospel of peace, love, and joy; not of decaying fruit and undead insects. 

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