Monday, October 18, 2010

Finding the lost

       There are always those distant things we can't remember, those silly things that could redefine our moments if we could recall them. Ever found one? It starts in a sudden moment of deja' vu. Then we recollect that this tidbit of wisdom is distantly our own, though perhaps has been found by a new owner. Do we express joy at our reunion? We have found a little bit of our lost selves! If this small revelation is that exhilarating then imagine our worlds beyond the veils of mortality when all our lost memories may return into play. Now to stop ourselves forgetting, forgetting all over again. Perhaps it is time to rethink keeping a journal.
        I feel there is always a distant scope of wonder in ourselves that will come with a greater understanding. There are lots of things we don't know or have not remembered that will surely redefine, change what we become. At least, I would hope so. I try to make it a habit to change what I am with what I know. Sad those that don't apply what they learn as if learning doesn't matter at all. When it does. It does and it always will.
        There are days when I feel like a child who has gained lost toys and every idea that came with them. Lost paradigms we once had. Compare, accept, discard. Where we have come from and where we are going. Where we could have been. What changed us? What have we kept? Self Inventory: Let's find out what we are, past, present, and becoming. And then, let's come to terms with it.

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