Monday, August 30, 2010

To see by

           I wear glasses to see by. I want to bring the world into my eyes. Without them (my glasses) I drink deep in a blurry picture. Something you can't quite put your finger on. A flavor you can't quite make out. How dissatisfying! Almost wonderful. Why settle for almost?
           I can see every detail with a piece of glass and two hundred dollars.In the middle ages I would never have been able to be an astrologer or marksman. Today I could fly an airplane or become an astronaut. In the modern day even our most natural defects are addressable. The Uncureable trembles. I mean this far beyond the physical. Intellect is as easily tapped as a keyboard. Advice has never been more freely given in any field. God has never been closer. I can see three steeples from the Provo Mall. I can read anything I want and watch any act performed from nearly ANYwhere. And do I feel powerful? There are days when I feel incompetent. The strange psychology of an age when our adversary tempts us to do nothing. Nothing when the limitless potential of all has never before been tapped on Earth in so many ways. Nothing, when there are more ways to make a living and prove useful to an evolutionary and unifiably civilized society. This is an age where nothing may be the greatest danger any of us face.
            The most wonderful thing about glasses is that once owned I could see things in a way I had forgotten I ever knew; in such a clarity that I was suddenly aware of things I wouldn't have noticed without them. All I had to do was be willing to try it. Make an appointment. Spend the money. Put them on. New worlds to be seen. So simply astounding.  Take the leap. Put on the new perspective for just one day. Stop myself from doing things the normal way for just one breath. See how it expands the mind. See how it deepens the contrast. Learn how it may clarify the world, or maybe how it won't. But learn something. Try something. May I run into the impossible, the new, the idea, at least once every day for the rest of my life.

1 comment:

  1. Run into the impossible, God has never been closer!!! WOAH!!!!!!! This is all Cory's EXPRESSIVE AH I LOVE the expression. If something wrong happens, it's ok. I love the faith and confidence and..just try it!!!!!
