Monday, August 30, 2010

To see by

           I wear glasses to see by. I want to bring the world into my eyes. Without them (my glasses) I drink deep in a blurry picture. Something you can't quite put your finger on. A flavor you can't quite make out. How dissatisfying! Almost wonderful. Why settle for almost?
           I can see every detail with a piece of glass and two hundred dollars.In the middle ages I would never have been able to be an astrologer or marksman. Today I could fly an airplane or become an astronaut. In the modern day even our most natural defects are addressable. The Uncureable trembles. I mean this far beyond the physical. Intellect is as easily tapped as a keyboard. Advice has never been more freely given in any field. God has never been closer. I can see three steeples from the Provo Mall. I can read anything I want and watch any act performed from nearly ANYwhere. And do I feel powerful? There are days when I feel incompetent. The strange psychology of an age when our adversary tempts us to do nothing. Nothing when the limitless potential of all has never before been tapped on Earth in so many ways. Nothing, when there are more ways to make a living and prove useful to an evolutionary and unifiably civilized society. This is an age where nothing may be the greatest danger any of us face.
            The most wonderful thing about glasses is that once owned I could see things in a way I had forgotten I ever knew; in such a clarity that I was suddenly aware of things I wouldn't have noticed without them. All I had to do was be willing to try it. Make an appointment. Spend the money. Put them on. New worlds to be seen. So simply astounding.  Take the leap. Put on the new perspective for just one day. Stop myself from doing things the normal way for just one breath. See how it expands the mind. See how it deepens the contrast. Learn how it may clarify the world, or maybe how it won't. But learn something. Try something. May I run into the impossible, the new, the idea, at least once every day for the rest of my life.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

We seem

          We seem. Callous. Unworthy of thought or remorse. Just one more person who will slip in our life of eighty-plus years. A face in a crowd that won't surround me for longer than two seconds, one hour, maybe four years of schooling. Feel no compulsion to apologize for what will only be remembered for at least an hour more. Time let it all slip away. Slip into a stream of fading memories. After all we can only see one memory at a time. We are only frail humans with frail eyes and frail thoughts.
          Thinking! thinking such faults! Look again. One more person is one more Godling. One more tumultuous storm of life that will change the world it strikes. You and they may forget. May allow yourselves to because this is life. This is time. This is human. But we are not. We are an excuse for a humans on a limited-time-only earth experience lease. We are eternal. We will spend an eternity thinking over everything we could have done, should have done. Perhaps would have. We will have an eternity to do things, but even the doing of things will not compensate for an eternity of thought when we are not limited to this earthly weakness. When we can do everything at the same moment, and that moment is eternity, will we be different? Will we be a virtuous harmonic? Remember what we seem to be. Remember we seem not what we are. We are not always what we seem.

Monday, August 16, 2010


       The term "went up like a marshmallow" is very descriptive. If applied to a person this describes not only a single event, but the state of the subject involved. For instance: "The Rock went up like a Marshmallow," would state that the famous action movie hero was feeling particularly squishy that day when he started on fire. If this sentence was applied to plans the plans would be seen as particularly sugary and sticky before they erupted into flames. The marshmallow had become livid. Deformed with fiery rage. Sticky, sweet, slightly crispy. Flammable. Most angry people go up like Marshmallows, just less sweetly.

        Other things respond to the heat in different ways. Everything can melt. Some things become harder, other things become fertile. Pinecones open to seed in one last sacrificial redemption. Grow children! Grow from my distress! A felicitous way to respond to the fires in life. We all face them. But, do we all become more delicious? Gooier? When the heat transforms what shape do we take?

         I would be a glass to see through when the heat is on. A glass that elaborates the truth and shows how things truly are. The most beautiful grains of sand.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Organic We

     Solemnly we enter a building, silently we glance. A whisper in the lobby is a shout in the eternities. Seeing her then on time and aware I found a piece of me was taken, that piece that was for one person. We walk past registrars and workers in white. Angels they are. or they seemed (to be). So kind, to direct me. A palace of gems in roses.We walked out as higher love. The elven king. The Eve, princess. Vines of the colored sea, a more colorful vibe. Festive reception most colorful rainbow in thy dance, and voice (I need).
     We leave a world of white angels and suddenly the world is sharper color. Orange and yellow and purple jumping. Sherbet polka-dots. Life brings it out and two amplify it. The color looks right on everyone, on everything, on me, on you.
     A light shining so bright, it shines through my heart bright red like any window. We can be inside and out all at the same time. We open up to the pendulum of gabe. A crimson hue..with turquoise more turquoise than it's name. This! This is bigger than love itself. An eternal creation, I believe we've been for years, and the veil only makes us forget, but we remember so fully with the feeling we feel.  And God's pure words and innocence and giggles and smiles make me free from it. In this we must remember to keep God with us always..and we will be free.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Little widgets

   I open up the sky and see the distant stars. Every night. They fly without wings. Combustible. THey say we pass through solar systems all the time, but we don't even wave. Maybe we should all wave at the stars.
   People often fail to acknowledge the grand little things. They never seem to make the splash that the boulders do. The pebbles of the sky next to our large empty rocks. Lifeless silver.
   Where do you hide when you can't find the Sun? Find skipping rocks across the sky. Streaming into the unknown we go and we fall into orbit, fall around the world without landing. We end up in the middle of the night sky if you look right, but only if you look right.
   Dream a little with me. Find a little space for yourself beside me. Yes, beside me with yourself. And let me see it. Come to my place and I will look into yours. If you can just find stillness. Still-point, then you could learn as much about yourself as I know. And I don't know as much as you could. If you find that point where you can wave to the stars. Where you could just stop for a moment and realize that there is nothing better for you to do then to exist as what you are, before burning into action. Erupting into Color. Causing growth on some distant planet far away.