Sunday, April 29, 2012

Here I am!

"Here I am!" Said Richard. "Here I am!"

It was the middle of a field, the kind that only exists in fairy tales or on the west coast of America. Grain, beach, ocean. Lovely mixture. Farming by the seaside. Fresh bread and fish. The lively art of living was never more fresh than the rich fields above and beneath in quiet symphony.

Here I am. Here I am. Richard sat with the tang of italian oils and vinegar resting upon his lips. Fresh baguettes. The waves crashed against the seaside villa. His small hovel overlooked the swaying seaside and the swaying harvest on a slight rise between the two. The wind swept the field toward him and met with the rush of the waves to form an updraft the seagulls all knew quite well. They circled above, begging for  a crumb from the beard of Richard.

All was present, sure, and there. Richard sat. His lips trembled. He was happy.

Marguerite sipped a drink from beside him. Tomato juice. In the cup it sloshed pleasantly as she watched the contented man. She knew what would complete this day and she huddled beside him. In a flurry of movement her wrist propelled her finger forwards and into his abdomen. He burst into a thousand laughing pieces. IT would take her hours to put him back together again, but it was so worth it. She was glad that he was there. He was there for good. There with her, not just anywhere, and quite anywhere would be there if they were both within it.

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