Sunday, February 26, 2012


Mary says there is no God. She tells me that if there were he wouldn't let people eat bad food. You know. Twinkies? I think that is what she means. I tell her she needs to be happy that she has anything. Mom says that's grateful. I'm grateful for Twinkies. Think they taste good. I pray and tell God I am. And I think maybe everything is that way. Someone loves it, even if I don't. I'll ask the doctor if anyone is happy to be sick when I see him tomorrow. It is a big day!

Tomorrow I get to see the gumball machine outside his office, the one that moves like a circus. Up and down and inside gears and pulleys and into my mouth! Mmm! SO GOOD! I'm chewing it now.

When I think about it the doctor likes injuries cuz' he gets paid. He's nice, so I'm glad people get hurt. I'll tell him that too. I'll tell Mary. Somebody loves everything. Nobody loves nothing.

So many ways to say that. In the end, won't we all be grateful for it all?

Monday, February 20, 2012


We are allowed to see what we want. I am a big advocate of will. If I will it into the existence I perceive that it may be real, but reality is often more than you or I. Reality is universal. Reality is truth. Is it no wonder that most people see only half of reality in this day and age? Between our personal ideas and those deceitful lies spread by the rest of humanity and their preconceived notions it can be difficult to see what really applies, what really affects, what really equates. It isn't open for major consensus or understanding. Reality is what dictates, we do not dictate reality. Our affirmation and general consensus creates a unity of understanding. With that unity we can overcome small thinking and actually explore. Push and pull and examine reality until we intimately can exclaim that it is full and fair. There are rules for happiness. Real happiness. Happiness that still stands after the voice of our opinion dies out and our constant challenging of understanding melts into a dreary slumber. If, for five minutes after you awake, you can simply grasp that new morning feeling before you drag the rest of your circumstance into it then we can all exclaim together that life is delightful.

Sunday, February 12, 2012


That little stick of a metal is bright with the polish of a current. Who would have thought it could shine so brightly? Dance for me little light. Sing a song for me.
You can't?

You can't do anything except shine.

What if I fell down and broke my sacrum? What if I drown in the wading pool while diving filling out underwater tax forms (three feet or less of water pressure)?

You can't help.

You are the most useless light I have ever had.

Ever after he yon only invested in Lamps.

Cory: Origins, part 1

Epilogue: The light did not fail in every way. Later, under that same light, a lost pencil was found. Whoa, even that same shining did cause a thief to change his malicious plans under the thought that occupants may be home. On top of it all the light was used to investigate the perils of the universe one sleepy night while the rooms occupants stared, mesmerized, into it. 

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Splendor in the grass

If I had cried over a twenty dollar bill, a car, a morning, a day wasted, then one would think I complained. But, is their anything for which I should be mourning? What is worth our weeping, worth our time? What governs sadness? What beautiful moment missed should ever be mourned?

They live. I live. Life is ceaseless, the possibilities endless. I grasp my eternal hand with yours and into that something we continue, never leaving behind those cherished, but letting them follow us in wonder at our ability to progress. This ceaseless trade of thoughts and times presses on, and together we follow--caught in the wave.