Sunday, January 1, 2012


I've read the stories, the ones where the only way to live is to eat the fish. And, the only way to eat the fish is to trap them. You place the most desirable substance in the world as bait--themselves--and when they swim in through the grating to seek the untakeable they simply cannot find their way out. Then we can eat them. Feasting on ignorance has never satisfied so fully, I think. But, it is okay because the fish were meant to be eaten. In their short aquatic lives they will never find a purpose more wonderful or fulfilling. They are the hunger we can satisfy while cherishing their ignorance as a timely benefit. All of this is true because fish cannot speak, just make kissy faces, which means they love you.

The other day I sat beside the warm tree and I saw an ad. It proposed I could be a mother and still make eight hundred dollars a day from home. HOME. The bullet nearly hit. Luckily i've never found myself very maternal. The bait was incomplete. It wasnt me. It was someone else that would come to acquire it and then, when they found the baffeling ignorance stifling, and could nearly outgrow it, the ugly truth remains. Most of them don't even make kissy faces.

When I think of those poor mothers I cannot shake the feeling they don't deserve that fate. None of us do. Not the postman who has to deliver the package or the blue collar worker that wanted to send it. Watch out for the traps whoever you may be. They are everywhere.

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