Monday, July 12, 2010


       Terms of endearment always speak to me, delicious candy coating to help questions and answers. Sometimes they don't taste right--like candy coating a Dorito--but many times they complete a most wonderful sentence. Honored is one of those. Honored is a word of words. It speaks of good and noble things. It insinuates not only gladness at doing, but class and responsibility and attention and thanksgiving.. Honored to be here. Honored to travel with you. Honored to share with you. Honored to live. I am honored often.
       I think being honored in life, taking carpe diem as a call to some joyous, is the essential of all Men and Woman that love life. A sense of gratitude and fulfilling at any given task. A sense of peace and joy and rightness. Rich.
      Truly being honored is beyond pride, it is finding greatness in things beside power. It isn't so much the being honored, but the what you are being honored for. Being honored to care, to love, to create, to play dolls with your youngest sister. Being honored to be with someone that according to worldly ways isn't valued, but because of greatness of a different sort (some of the greatest are invisible to the eye) you are joyed, attentive, and full in their presence. Truly being honored to find it.
       I have had many honors in life, things that have carried weight to me in a meaningful sense. My prayer is that the things that carry weight for me may be things that carry weight for my Father in heaven. That they may have been truly meaningful in his eternal eyes. I would match my honors to his so that I don't flutter at passing cars and raucous acts. But truly employ the word honor in it's best sense. Be honored with every insinuation of joy at life. True joy at having a full respect for the most glorious life I have been given and the people in that life.
       I am honored.

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