Sunday, July 4, 2010

Differing styles

          I am an upholder of individuality. That everyone is of a different mettle, and that everyone must learn to understand one another. We all face the object of trying to realize that our eyes, though we know how they see, are not what others see with. A humbling sentiment. We face perspective, idea, and the unknown. Why do others do what they do? A valuable question (tool).
          "Understanding what we don't understand" Living with the acceptance that others live too and in their own way. Ways we may not understand. Like everyone's different language. A bucket in any other language is not a bucket. It is something else. But it is still a bucket, and we can let it be whatever it is for them. That is how it must be. Perhaps language is meant to help us accept differences in others. If someone can speak an entirely different language, then perhaps they can see something different when they look at a Monet or polka-dotted masterpiece. Or at us. Or at a hello. Or at a goodbye. Or at a joke. It only gets more complex from there, but no matter what it translates to we can put offense aside if we allow ourselves to give them their understanding. To let them translate and not be angry when what they see with their wholly unique eyes is different from what we meant, and be joyed when they give us the time and the thought to truly understand.
         To understand (or to accept and become fascinated with our lacking of it) is to become unified, to have friends, to love, and to enjoy everyone. To be open to jewels and beauties, to DISCOVER them in places not our own! Things that we needed someone elses eyes to see. Thus we can gain an entire world if we sacrifice the walls of our own. If we are willing to see stars and fields beyond our personal self. Living life with 6 billion people.


  1. ^^like^^
    Of course, I agree with the part about language. That is one reason I am studying it. But, as you intimate, a common mistake is thinking that because we both speak English, we speak the same language. Not so.
