Monday, June 14, 2010

Up one side, down another

        They say that life is like a rollercoaster. They also say that life has a high point (golden years) and then becomes falling action. These two analogies seem to clash. In one the falling is the action, in another it is the low after the high. On a rollercoaster it is the getting lower that is the high, and the highest point is also the fastest and steepest decline. I bring this up and out so that one may understand that I feel a deep regard for the past, and like so many times it has carried me to the brink of change and then watched me plummet through the ensuing choices with brilliant speed, screams, and laughter. Such points seem spontaneous: that moment over the hill seeming the only thing to give drive to the ride of life, but in essence these points are neither spontaneous or coincidental. The climb was just as important as the tipping point. Thus we go and work and toil up one side of the hill, and then experience the rush of the other as we let that work and these decisions take us. Take us speedily once more to the ground level of life, though that may be a bit higher now.
         Up one side lies a school of touch and the hard incremental lessons of friendship, consistency, self analysis and honesty. Happiness at existing and having and making the decisions and life around us; so masterfully crafted. Happiness at being what I am. Hard lessons full of emotional creation and humbling realizations, sometimes in shear magnitude. (It is humbling to realize the magnitude of ones abilities and that you had mistakenly thought they were meager. Humbling  to note that God has given you so much, and you refused to see it because you considered your self-worth so low). I know now much more than I did that life is ours and we have the means to live it. Full ability. The walking becomes  fuller, and the steps forward more meaningful, with such a realization. Up one side and the distance and height has become greater than ever before. The ability to be this much more be-able. The point of decision has become monumental and dynamic. We are crafting life with more skill now. And as one does so one finds that those screaming laughing parts of life, those accelerated and rich moments launch us farther then ever before, and to new grand heights.

1 comment:

  1. tis good dear man. your visualization is soo good! dont stop the flow of this naturally amazing poetry just because you're engaged now ;)
