Monday, May 31, 2010

Just before tomorrow

           After a spring evening, days of sacrament and singing birds are essential. Arms around waists, shoulders, legs, and necks. Skies look bluer, and grass greener. A little more sunlight can brighten any day, but a lack of dust makes everything a bit crisper.
           We wear Sunday best for honoring, and feel our Sunday best for keeping. We can take the Sacrament and feel worthy. We can hold eachother as peers with great sustenance for one another. Support me on your shoulder, as I do for you: like a hand that draws itself. A relationship has no beginning and end, At least I am not the beginning, and I am not the end. We lean on eachother, and built ourselves up to do so.
           Starlight greets an evening walk, would make the perfect wedding band; so alight in the dark. Graves with flags and carry any amount of conversation, and the entire time we wonder. Best to wonder and to be our best, keep to our honest intentions and realize that they are good enough. We cannot be what we are not, so we won't be. I bring myself to the table. I'm slightly candy coated, but that is just me.
           Sleeping now.

Sunday, May 23, 2010


            There isn't a place to hide that what you are is far-fetched. Out there. Abstract. A little bit crazy. You know you are.
            Don't doubt it.
            Don't tell me you don't think yourself just a little bit different than the man standing next to you, or even your brother. It is okay. ~You are~ No need to claim you aren't a bit out of the ordinary, because the ordinary doesn't extend past a few select interests or standard social norms, perhaps even beyond ourselves. We are normal (exactly what we want to be), do we want that normal to change? Our normal should be happy. Making Normal!
           Lets talk about shirts. Some like tank tops. Some like tees. Some people don't wear shirts. They are normal too. They are them. For some a smile is normal, for another it is a special occasion or bears a particular use. That is their normal, and perhaps in this world the acceptance that everyone is a small bit far-fetched--that understanding--will allow us to accept the unlikely. Meet the uncomfortable. Smile at the unexpected, and value everyone's own honest sense of style just a little bit more.
           Far-fetched us, oh be.

Sunday, May 16, 2010


        This is no praising, self indulgent post. This is more of a plea, a sharp desire for diligence. Diligence in all people and all matters of life. Diligence towards the Lord, towards happiness, enlightenment, and perfection. Wading through mud towards the final goal, working towards the very end. Keeping our word.
        Diligence ties with sincerity, hope, and faith. Diligence embarks into the night with the bright hope of tomorrow: reaches for the stars with the knowledge that we increase in ability to reach them.
        I've made goals (I have stars). I've made the decision to finish school, to work, to wait for the right time to get married. Now comes the diligence, the fighting against seeking after something else, losing interest, or losing hope. Stepping up, learning more and more, finding joy in the striving. I feel part of diligence is learning to enjoy the day to day and the working. Learning to enjoy the industry of it all.
        It may not seem a glorious battle, one where victory and dramatics play the grand role. It may seem as the gray of an unending day, the overhanging clouds that do nothing. But the day progresses, the night does come. Sleep, then morning, and we choose to make it interesting, advancing, and learning. We choose to make the day any better or honest or true; any smarter than the previous day. We can choose! Creativity in diligence truly does exist!       
       Then, Forward now into this day or night, gloom or shine, we go. We take with us preparation, supplies: spiritual and physical rations. Plans towards happiness and perfection. And we take the first steps with the first minutes: here in this Earthly setting where time will push on for us and never without us. Then come! We can be dragged by our coat-tails, if you will; or we can march.
I want to march.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Alex' Talking

           So many hands pulling me different angles. So energetic they are! So exhausted and yet I keep being led by them. Flying birds that look like painted wood. Savoring the air and every scent of it. It tingles when I finally rest. A walk. A breeze through my hair and a glance at history, tragedy. And then we breathe  and walk it off. And listen to amazing music! And lay here and just try to take it all in. And listen to people; sounds like whispers in the distance while they're speaking. And I breathe.
           But just yesterday finishing my report taking all day; needing to ignore people, that must be the reason why they are so energetic today! And then walking in the dark brightness with somebody you love. Finally being outside for the first time! Sharing, Believing, Grasping, Concepts. Understanding one another. Figuring each-other out through their eyes, and being too exhausted to walk  home I fall into bed. I don't know what else to say.

Sunday, May 2, 2010


        Sitting here, surrounded, one is to act differently. Sensory. Learning how to look and feel at a situation. Bring comfort to those around you, think of how to include the spirit in a place, a place that has so many different views and opinions. I write this with blaring music, awkward glances, but a feeling of happiness at being allowed to feel and experience something entirely different. Here there be learning, experience, schooling. And on this day, this day not many may admit or realize, I feel I can do good.
        Share a small glance, or a helpful smile. Be in your element, and perhaps require others to be included in it. If they see you, make that one glance draw them in. And wonder, wonder where you are. And want, want what you have got. And what you have got is the gospel. And what that means is more than words can write or thoughts can tell. I want to see the world, but more I hope they see God, and I hope they can see him in me.
       So I must be, and I must Be strong. I cannot falter here. I cannot cry, I feel in my element. I feel awake and asleep all at once. Controlled atrophy, powerful letting. Fall into me. Fall into the pool radiance that is peace. We keep ourselves from it.
       To let others look, but to not call them too. Completely voluntary. Completely whole. Completely innocent. Be what they look at, in your own way. We determine what we are