Sunday, July 7, 2013

Living in a dream

We use the phrase "living in a dream" inclusively. We slap it onto those who don't own their reality. They take their thoughts and look at them, instead of the road they're driving on. Living in a dream

I with wonder think we have all missed a valuable use of this sentiment. A man goes to work, and just work, because he lives in his dreams. A woman buys makeup instead of food while living in a dream. A person places all his intents on a new car-toy-place-thing when living in a dream

Wherever the desires of our heart are there is our mind also.

And there is so much we are missing in our daily pursuits.

Let's look at the big picture for a moment or a while. Zoom out. See your doings and desires on a schematic. Ask ourselves: is this one of those little things that matters?

What if we want to adopt the view that can see us and ourselves in context. Which desire is big enough to let us see things as they really are? Give us a backdrop for our wants and desires?

What dream is the big dream?

Ladies and gentlemen, may I introduce love? Or, did you already know?

When our desire is your desire we can see our desire in the proper light.

Then we can look at our desire through the lens of you seeing it as your desire, and love ourselves as we love you, or love you as we love ourselves.