Sunday, May 27, 2012

There is a story

There is a story in those woods. No trifling thought or simple phrase. There is a story in them. The missing people have gone those ways. I never thought I'd watch them go with so much glee within my heart. They walked into the woods one day and left the world in their depart. I don't think they just disappeared. I don't think they are simply gone. Absent though their laughter is, that passage is not so very long. A question raised at fireside meal, a stray thought in the harvest fields. There is a story in distant wood. We'll question it until it yields. We'll poke and prod with travelers until they're lost from light of day. We'll never see those prods again, but we won't stop with time's decay.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Reverse the polarity

It is the intent that counts, they say. Not only the intent? If intent could communicate clearly than words would be redundant.
If I yelled "I'm going to reverse the polarity." The intent does not also say, "I think he is going to reverse the polarity." The intent says "He is going to do something that may help. Hold on." In this sense it distills hope. Someone may swear. Ill word for ill intent. Someone else may say something that holds no offense technically, but in the same explication. It is somehow less offensive. In this sense the first distills distaste or offense, the second, humor. From this we also garner that words must match intent in order to be fully effective. By forcefully mismatching words we create a strange hilarity in our swearing. We show a strange sense of self control. "There, that fellow has taken the time to rewrite his dictum!" It was not accidental, it was meant, and the choice can be humorous.
Accidental unintentional is often the source of much laughter. When a fellow attempts to murder you by hitting you with a bag of marshmallows (he thinks it is the key to draining your powers), we find hilarity. Mismatched intent. Intent vs. fact. Intent vs. ability. This same logic applies to gift giving.
"I want to give the greatest gift in the world!" exclaims the young man. He then goes out all starry eyed and purchases a lamp-shade he really thought was an abstract hat perfect for the intended recipient.

May our intent be intentional, our ability understood, our poise graceful in our acceptance of those with good intent.

Sunday, May 13, 2012


Such silly things. If one were to think about life without them it might become unbending. It may seem too supple. It could be too painful. The grace of humankind would be undermined. The kneel would go out the window.

If standing is taking off the cap, then walking is very respectful. Sitting places it firmly on. Now we mean business. Now we mean to firmly place ourselves in the world un-moving. Oh that subtle art of sitting.

What of that directed fall? That occasional step? That fluid movement. What hinge places us at its mercy? Oh those lengthiest of hinges. The grand teeter-totter. The knee.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Remembering the time

We went outside. Warm breeze on a cold day. The strange impression moving makes you warmer. Many differences between a lady bug and a potato bug. Spots suit you.

High in the stadium they watch the dance floor. The show moves towards the interested parties and they gather in clumps. Osmosis cleans up the small groups like Walmart.

If there were a lamp that could fill the whole room with light would I still like the lamp, or do I need my shadows?

Choices in the computer world mean only two things: doing the same thing is a very picky process, and nobody really knows what they'll be doing. Do I mean that? Just a hypothesis.

Finicky about the smaller things. The larger things seem to require a bit more work. Work has a habit of making one less finicky?

Pork chops. Chop chop chop.

Icecream sandwiches on a hot beach. Drips of sugar-cream on a boardwalk. Warm Gyros. Aircraft carriers.

The smell of kell. Zipping about always for something, the zipping is the best part. The cool classroom.

Poetry on a stone bench. A giggling second voice.

That cross-fingered hand holding.

Late nights and nice poetry.

Riding that wave of emotion.