Sunday, December 25, 2011


Please don't scrape the table. The paint has yet to dry in many spots, and in most cannot stand a butter knife. If you must, please use a coaster for your beverages. That is the proper way to not hold a beverage while enjoying it. Beverage scenery. Scene with me this cocoa, it appears very warm on my table above my coaster.

Outside the frosty blooms attack our windows vigilantly. There is no time for them to resolve any personal family issues or speak allegorically, they simply must go, go, go. In the morning they can rest like dreams in the incorporeal sunlight. They never remember the next night their simple little games. Come summer they won't remember at all. A sad existence where one must simply cling, watch the subject. The frost makes an excellent special agent.

First, if you look and do not watch I must tell you to take again another look. This is not the time to consider, George, the morning we have not yet lived. Watch it, watch it closely. The day has yet to begin and you already think of tomorrow. Attack them with a sincere please, shake their hands with a fervent jest, then flee before they get a chance to question your sincere nature. People can justify anything.

We don't want anyone scratching your paint, your finish. Let them watch in awe.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Glittering Silo

I have no intention of just sitting here. I've been here a while, sure, but I get the impression you think I've been doing nothing. I will have you know I've been entirely taken using every function I can with this body, just not my kinetics. I simply have no use for them. Sure, breathing was a little difficult to let go of at first, but I got used to it. You simply have to start living asphexiation.

You should feel lucky. We are few. Comamites we jest, but nothing indicates we are really in a coma. we simply do not like to move. Or inhale. We inhale illustration. We exhale art. We drink crearivity.